
Course of training in banking management methodology


The British Academy for Training and Development offers a training course in banking management methodology, these courses provide specialists or trainees with the necessary experience and lessons, when the trainees attend a training course in banking management methodology, they acquire high skills that enable them to work in the job vacancies desired by multiple companies and banks.

Objectives and target group

Target group of attending a training course in banking management methodology:

The British Academy for Training and Development aims to conduct a training course in the management of banks to those who wish to work in the following institutions:

  • Banks and public and private stocks.
  • Exchange and currency exchange companies.
  • Islamic banks and international joint banks.
  • Insurance companies, business companies, import and export.
  • Companies of persons, companies of money and enterprises and institutions.
  • Stock exchange and central banks in different countries.

Objectives of the course:

At the end of the course, the participants will know the following:

  • Accounting and bookkeeping methods.
  • Organize and record accounting processes in clear ways.
  • Use accounting software easily and safely
  • Recording of financial transactions and exchange operations.
  • Profit, loss and interest account.
  • How to deal with customers and their different desires.
  • Preparation of final accounts and balance.
  • Understanding the management system in banks.
  • Best banking management strategies.
  • Differences between types of banks and differences arising from such differences.

Course Content

Curriculum and content course in banking management methodology:

The course includes training in banking management methodology in many scientific fields.

  • How to manage banks in innovative and professional ways.
  • Organization and control of banking operations.
  • How to organize withdrawals, open and close current accounts, open and break deposits or close them.
  • Calculate profits, interests, current and accumulated losses and ways to avoid them.
  • Finding solutions to financial crises in the global market.
  • Methods of liquidation and inventory the accounts of the end of year and the beginning of the new year.
  • Preparation of budgets and accounting tables.
  • How to run money flowing to banks from depositors.
  • Selecting investments in the best and safest projects, and ensuring minimum capital base for the bank.


Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3900 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3120 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2418 / Member

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