
Advanced Course in "How to become a Media Spokesperson"


This course is provided by the British Academy for Training and Development to educate participants on how all sectors of the media work. The course also focuses on how to deal with journalists and how to become a good speaker. Trainees will be given the most effective relevant skills and abilities to deal with journalists and other media representatives efficiently. The course will also help participants to effectively communicate with the media to ensure that the targeted vision and corporate messages of their organizations are understood, delivered, and maintained by the public and the media.

Objectives and target group

This course is designed by the British Academy for Training and Development for staff or individuals who can be spokespersons through the media, and for speakers who want to develop their skills.

Course content:

  • Media
  • Vision and Mission.
  • Message delivery.

Course Content

How will participants benefit from the course?


  • How to build confidence in dealing with the Media.
  • How to take advantage of the "power of the Media effect"
  • How journalists recently use social media.
  • Needs and desires of the journalist.
  • How journalists work.
  • What to do when making a call with a journalist.
  • Things to say or avoid when dealing with the Media.
  • Reasons for different needs of different Media.
  • How to build relationships with journalists
    Strategies for dealing with electronic Media.
  • Strategies for dealing with printed Media.
  • Strategies for dealing with online Media.
  • Risks of going "Off Topic", when your speech or presentation is Off Track or irrelevant to your real objectives of the Interview or the Speech.


  • How to develop your Mission for the Media.
  • How to Stay "Connected"
  • The importance of delivering a brief message.
  • The importance of delivering a message free of foreign or complicated terms.
  • Communicate with social media posts.
  • How to ensure that media messages reach the public.
  • How to ensure that media messages are achieved.



  • How to deliver media messages with confidence.
  • How to deliver media messages naturally.
  • Reasons for different strategies for interviewing different media.
  • How to control a media interview.
  • How to control difficult media interviews.
  • How to look professional in television interviews.
  • How to look professional in radio interviews.
  • How to look professional in print and photo media.
  • How to deal with difficult questions or issues.
  • How to deal with tough questions that are complicated to be addressed.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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