

The British Academy for Training and Development offers a training program in Accounting, which is considered a type of academic specialization and which gives a certificate to students who have completed their studies in accounting, whether from a college, university, or business school. Through the study of accounting, we study and analyze financial reports, and determine profit and loss for a specific period of time, in addition to learning about its role in clarifying the value and nature of the resources available to the company, the means used to finance these resources, and knowing the potential effects of their use. The accounting diploma includes applying knowledge related to preparing... Reports and analyzes financial information for management. Auditing financial records, providing advice on tax matters, and performing internal audits and transaction recording systems.

Objectives and target group

Who Should Attend?

  • All managers of companies and institutions.
  • All employees working in the management of institutions and companies.
  • Accountants in all government institutions and private companies.
  • Officials in corporate management accounting.
  • All those wishing to learn an integrated program in accounting.
  • Graduates and students of the faculties of economics management, financial sciences and banking.

Knowledge and Benefits:

After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following:

  • Skills in preparing registration documents and ensuring the authenticity and approval of the bonds.
  • Sufficient experience in the field of control and supervision of all bonds issued by accounting offices.
  • Working to implement all procedures related to financial matters by senior departments.
  • Sufficient experience in the field of managing financial instruments of all types.
  • Great skills in budget preparation and financial planning.
  • Experience in the field of concluding contracts for financial instruments and the mechanism of their implementation.
  • Applying the principles of tax accounting and procedures followed in the Income Tax Department, and studying the tax system and its applications.
  • Preparing cost calculations, studying and analyzing cost elements with the aim of determining the unit cost of the final product (good or service), evaluating the commodity inventory, and using cost data in planning, control and decision-making.
  • Studying the auditing of accounts in the public and private sectors in accordance with recognized international auditing standards.

Course Content

  • Basic concepts in accounting
    • Introduction to accounting and its importance.
    • The accounting system and its types.
    • Basic accounting equation.
    • Accounting cycle: stages and elements.
    • The most important generally accepted accounting principles and assumptions
    • Double entry - ledger account - trial balance - financial statements
  • Financial Accounting
    • Basic financial statements: income statement, profit and loss statement, cash flow statement, and balance sheet statement.
    • Analyzing and reading financial statements.
    • Evaluation of assets, liabilities and rights.
    • Planning and implementation budget.
  • Administrative Accounting 
    • The concept of cost and its types.
    • Administrative cost systems and methods of calculating them.
    • Cost analysis for decision making.
    • Analysis of expenses and revenues.
  • Tax and legal accounting
    • The concept of tax and its types
    • Types of applicable taxes and how to prepare tax reports
    • Tax procedures and required reports
    • Value Added Tax (VAT).
    • Sales tax
    • Withholding tax
    • Income tax
  • Designing the documentary course for business companies.
    • Sales invoices
    • Cash and check receipts - cash and check receipts
    • Order to add and exchange inventory
  • The process of analyzing and interpreting financial statements
    • Horizontal analysis
    • Vertical analysis
    • Analysis using financial ratios
  • Preparing inventory adjustments for some financial transactions
    • Inventory adjustments to nominal accounts - expenses and revenues
    • Inventory adjustments to the inventory account under the periodic and continuous inventory method
    • Inventory adjustments to the bank account
    • Treasury inventory adjustments
    • Inventory adjustments for fixed assets “calculating depreciation, selling assets, and re-evaluating the useful life of the asset.”
  • Advanced accounting
    • Integration and customization accounting.
    • Capital budgeting and capital management.
    • Estimating the real value and the added value.
    • International accounting and financial reporting standards.
  • Accounting software and information technology in accounting
    • Types of accounting programs and their uses.
    • Information technology applications in accounting.
    • Information security in electronic accounting.
    • Digital transformation in the field of accounting.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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