
Sports Nutrition Specialist Preparation Course


Sports nutrition is a diet related to improving the athletic performance of any person, as it combines nutrition and exercise physiology, and obtaining a sports nutrition course has become one of the basic conditions for those interested in the sports field, whether doctors or personal trainers.
Proper nutrition plays a big role in the career of athletes in general; Therefore, clubs and athletes themselves are concerned with the assistance of a sports nutrition specialist, as the athlete’s access to maximum energy and the ability to use his potential in a highly efficient manner depends on proper nutrition practices that will increase the level of sports performance, provide the greatest benefit from exercise, improve general health, and increase the speed of recovery muscle.

Objectives and target group

Who should attend? 

  • Students and graduates of faculties of physical education.
  • Those interested in working in the field of sports clubs.
  • Those interested in working in the field of sports training and fitness.
  • Those wishing to work in the field of nutrition for athletes.
  • Those wishing to work in the field of nutrition in general.

How attendees will benefit? 

After completion of the course, delegates will be able to: 

  • Understand the importance of sports nutrition.
  • Understand the relationship of nutrition to physical fitness.
  • Know the effect of different foods on athletic performance, such as fiber, vitamins, fats, and others.
  • Calculation of calories for athletes.
  • Learn about the most important misinformation in the field of sports nutrition and corrected on a scientific basis.
  • Understand the effect of stimulant and sedative drugs and stimulants on physical fitness.

Course Content

  • Nutrition Definition.
  • The benefits of proper nutrition.
  • Nutrients and their function.
  • Sources and importance of basic food elements.
  • Proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
  • Vitamins and their types.
  • Mineral salts, their components and importance.
  • Water for athletes.
  • Athletes drink.
  • Athletes nutrition.
  • Nutrition in the game or exercise.
  • Feeding at rest.
  • Food that helps with athletic performance.
  • Caffeine and athletic performance.
  • Important nutritional advice for athletes.
  • Precautions to be taken in the camps.
  • Effect of foods on athletic endurance.
  • Nutritional misconceptions.
  • Nutritional supplements.
  • Calculation of body mass index.
  • Basal metabolic rate.
  • Calorie counting.
  • Definition of stimulants and their types.
  • The effect of stimulant and sedative drugs on physical fitness.
  • Psychological disorders resulting from the abuse of stimulant drugs.
  • The effect of prohibited stimulants on the electrocardiogram.
  • Energy in the sports field.
  • Factors affecting energy needs.
  • Bioenergy sources.
  • Metabolism.
  • Division of sports activities according to energy needs.
  • Obesity and its dangers.
  • Health problems caused by obesity.
  • Functional foods.
  • The genesis of functional foods and methods of preparation.
  • Functional foods and nutritional supplements.
  • Classification of functional foods.
  • Skimmed foods and alternatives to fatty substances.
  • Sports and malpractice.
  • Sports and alcohol.
  • Sports and smoking.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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