
The Legal Framework of Social Insurance and Contract Management


The British Academy for Training and Development presents this training course in (The Legal Framework of Social Insurance and Contract Management), to all legal and Insurance professionals who wish to acquire advanced skills in the management of Social Insurance and the legal procedures in the Insurance Sector.

In view of the great significant role of social insurance in modern societies, especially in the field of wellbeing and family health, all modern countries all over the world sought to achieve proper establishment of insurance systems for their citizens until comprehensive insurance programs became clear and well established, which is considered a key pillar of electoral propaganda of political parties in European countries and the United States as well, and soon in most of the developed world.

Social insurance is therefore one of the main tools of achieving wellbeing and social security of the society in modern states, and that's why Insurance Funds are considered recently as one of the major factors in global financial and economic markets.

Objectives and target group

The British Academy for Training and Development offers this course to the following categories:

  • Managers and Directors of Companies and Enterprises.
  • Personnel in charge of Law Departments in business and commercial firms.
  • Directors of Legal Departments and Legal Affairs in various companies and enterprises.
  • Law Officers.
  • Managers of companies and enterprises.
  • Businessmen wishing to develop their legal skills.
  • Employees in the field of legal Management.
  • Students and graduates of faculties of law at various universities.
  • Trainee lawyers.

After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following topics:

  • Full knowledge of Social Insurance provisions and procedures in an integrated legal form.
  • Full knowledge of all legal branches in practical and scientific terms.
  • Acquire advanced experience in Legal Formulation of Contracts and Administrative Resolutions.
  • Full knowledge of Legal Formulation of Employment Contracts.
  • Understanding the    significant    role    of    proper    and    accurate determination of contract specifications, throughout the procurement cycle.
  • To assess the legal importance of contract specifications, besides the strategic significance of the "Invitation to tenders" process.

Course Content

  • The Concept of Legal Management.
  • Social Insurance: Definition, Interpretation, and Importance thereof.
  • Terms & Conditions of Social Insurance Framework.
  • Origins of Legal Interpretation.
  • Applications and Examples in Writing Legal Memos.
  • Skills and Methods of Lawsuit Legal Drafting for legal purposes.
  • Stages and Mechanisms for preparation of Legal Advice.
  • Extensive study of legal sciences.
  • Contract preparation and conclusion skills.
  • Negotiation and Dispute Resolution skills.
  • Persuasion & Negotiation skills.
  • Formulation of Documents, Memos, Statements, and Legal Memoranda of various types.
  • Writing contract   specifications   and   procurement   processes   and analyzing the same.
  • The legal importance of contractual specifications, and their relation to the process "Invitation to tender".
  • The doubtful and deficient descriptive specifications.
  • Different types of specifications and the related risks.
  • The impact of language on the meanings of contractual articles and legal conditions.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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