
Time Management & Multitasking Effectively


With increased tasks and efforts in today's work environment especially if you are working with a number of colleagues, everyone expects you to have quick and urgent results. The British Academy for Training and Development offers you a time management and multitasking course that provides you with time management techniques, prioritization and efficient response in the event of multiple tasks in the work environment.

The improvement of productive work is often through the development of mechanisms that work and reduce the number of procedures while giving more space to the supporters and developers of the administrative performance in the company to create smart plans that create the qualitative shift in raising productivity in the work with the same capabilities available within the company, how to employ all elements the company to achieve the highest efficiency and effectiveness, and ways to upgrade the level of work will be in the course

In this course, innovative ideas will be presented based on global approaches in the areas of time management, organization of efforts and the provision of resources through more organizational guidance in order to accomplish the projects of the company in a faster time and according to programs planned and prepared accurately by the committees and directors of administrative offices VIP offices in the general management of the company or even within the management offices in the second row.

Objectives and target group

The British Academy for Training and Development offers this course to the following categories:

  • Anyone needs guidance and support for managing multiple tasks and time frames, especially those who work in a work environment that requires a lot of effort, such as procurement work or front-line operations (the most important enterprise processes).
  • Managers and owners of government and private companies.
  • Directors of VIP Offices in Public Administration.
  • Managers of the offices of the heads of the administrative departments in the first row of the administration.
  • Managers of branch offices for management within companies.
  • All administrative secretaries.
  • All those involved in the management of VIP business.

After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following topics:

  • Gaining the ability to understand time from a new perspective.
  • Understand how to apply a set of best practice time management standards effectively.
  • Concepts of strategic planning, Management of time, Organization of meetings.
  • Skills of dealing and acting within the administrative and executive secretarial offices.
  • Methods of applying modern ideas in organizing work and saving time.
  • Modern European approaches in managing time and shortening procedures within the administrative transactions in companies.
  • Familiarity with all modern technological means capable of accelerating the completion of business.

Course Content

  • Skills of dealing with work pressures.
  • Skills of innovation and creativity through the implementation of quick ideas to deal with sudden changes in the nature of work.
  • Skills to achieve excellence in management and organization of efforts and administrative cadres.
  • How to set time management programs for public administration officials.
  • Business management skills and scheduling of meetings and programs to be discussed in proportion to the time available within the program manager.
  • Meeting scheduling skills and business programs for senior management personnel.
  • Skills of using modern technology in time management and speed up business completion.
  • To employ the available efforts and capabilities of the company with all its capabilities in order to accomplish the work determined within the company's programs accurately.
  • Making and developing the organization plans in a manner consistent with the time available to them.
  • Programming the activities and plans of the company and schedule them.
  • Coordinate the efforts of human resources to achieve the goals of time management through concerted teamwork.
  • Planning, follow-up and supervision of the progress of the work according to the plan prepared by the planning committees.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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