
Online Customer Service - Customer Relationship Management


CRM has become an organizational efficiency of great importance. This course, offered by the British Academy for Training and Development, will enable participants to learn how to choose the right tools for institutions that can be developed at present and in the future. Deceleration means losing your customers, which means maximum damage. But how can you not fail to move customers so quickly to demand constant changes in order to get things done quickly? How can you keep customers while moving to another company is very easy?

The British Academy for Training and Development presents this course (Online Customer Service - Customer Relationship Management) for individuals wishing to develop their skills in communicating with the audience, and the best practices of effective communications for customer satisfaction.

Client is the cornerstone of any project or business, whether for fieldworks or online projects, without clients the company or institution will not be able to survive, therefore client is deemed as the major cornerstone for commercial success of any profitable establishment, in order to achieve financial profit. Imagine a Media Company without client base, how it will be able to generate financial Income, and how it will develop any reputation, so clients are the basis and the most important factor of any business.

Customer Service concept in its modern perspective was only known in this century, but in consideration of its activity, it would be clear that its roots extend to ancient civilizations. Any company undergoes many stages from the very beginning moments of establishment, including structure, growth and development. At some stages, companies may suffer from crises that may be Financial, Media or Production related. This course will discuss how to visualize and measure Customer Service & Public Opinion aspects, and how Customer Satisfaction mainly influences the development of different policies, and the various available techniques to benefit from the concern topics of clients, to have a positive impact on business outcomes.

Objectives and target group

The British Academy for Training and Development presents this course for the following audience:

  • Directors of various companies and enterprises.
  • Businessmen, shareholders, and business owners wishing to develop their abilities in Media Management.
  • Students and graduates of media colleges in different universities.
  • Media and news professionals and broadcasters.
  • Administrative staff in PR Sector.
  • Employees assigned to deal and interact with important and concerned personalities and ensure that these interactions go as professionally as possible.
  • Employees working in the PR Sector.
  • Officials in Diplomatic Sector.
  • Protocol officers in charge of management and organization of conferences.
  • Trainees with years of experience in communications or PR.

How will participants benefit from the course?

After completing the program, participants will be able to learn:

  • Identify various media skills such as Photography, Video Production, News Editing, and Press Releases.
  • Unified and comprehensive concepts of Etiquette and International Protocol.
  • The Art of Protocol and Etiquette of body languages in official forums.
  • Understanding the universal principles of protocol, etiquette, professional code of conduct.
  • Directing and managing personal dynamics at important meetings.
  • Creating a good impression and avoid misconducts or embarrassing practices in important situations.
  • Concepts that determine priorities between individuals.
  • International Principles of Etiquette and Communication.

Course Content

  • Customer Relationship Management.
  • Sales impact & customer relationship management.
  • Introduction to the Media and the evolution of its concept.
  • Media and formation of public mental perspectives.
  • Developing a PR strategy that integrates Public Relations activities with the corporate Business Strategy.
  • Developing a Lobbying Campaign aims at shaping both Corporate Policy and Legislative Process.
  • Best Practices of dealing with the media and using their influence as part of the lobbying campaign.
  • Conducting an Online Pressure Campaign using key social media tools and other media platforms.
  • Developing a Pressure Strategy that integrates both public affairs with Corporate Business Strategy.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£4800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3840 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2976 / Member

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