
Modern International Relations and Media


Course Overview

The British Academy for Training and Development offers a training course in Modern International Relations and Soft Power Strategy, and the impacts thereof on foreign policy as well as economic, social, and diplomatic relations that will keep countries in a state of power on an ongoing basis.

Modern International Relations have widely changed in line with the vast modern alteration of the world order, so that every political entity is largely integrated and interconnected with others in the global political system. International Relations are based on solid connections and mutual interdependence between countries on political levels and aspects of cooperation. Each state considers only its own strength and security because it is in a system based on self-defense. It seeks prestige among other states in the universal political regime, especially the independence of its decision, based on the compatibility of interests between countries.

International Relations are based on solid connections and mutual interdependence between countries. Each state considers only its own strength and security because it is in a system based on self-defense. It seeks prestige among other states in the universal political regime, especially the independence of its decision, based on the compatibility of interests between countries.

Objectives and target group

Who should attend?

  • Personnel and officials in the Diplomatic Sector.

  • Formal Officers in charge of International Agreements.

  • Directors of International Relations Offices.

  • Staff in international organizations.

  • Employees of government institutions related to economic functions.

  • Students and graduates of colleges and institutes of Political Science and International


  • New professionals in the specialized entities working in the field of International

    Relations, Graduates of University Economic Departments.

  • Graduates of International Relations Departments.

  • Those wishing to develop their capabilities in this field.

Knowledge and Benefits:

After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following:

  • Historical Stages of development of International Relations as a concept and independent political science.

  • Basic and Subsidiary Entities in International Relations.

  • Topics and Branches of International Relations and International Law.

  • Relations between foreign and international policies, and international relations.

Course Content

  1. Course Content

18 June 2023

  • What is International Relations?

  • What is soft power strategy in international relations?

  • Are soft power strategies more effective than hard power strategies?

  • The concept of international relations, and the rules governing them.

  • Key concepts and theories in international relations.

  • The changing landscape of global politics.

  • Understanding the concept of soft power.

  • Exploring the sources and elements of soft power.

  • The role of soft power in shaping international relations.

  • Cultural diplomacy: Promoting national culture and values.

  • Public diplomacy: Engaging with foreign publics and opinion leaders.

  • Educational exchanges and scholarships.

  • Media and information influence.

  • Foreign policy, international politics, and international relations.

  • The effectiveness of soft and hard power strategies.

  • The origins and history of international relations.

  • Definitions of international relations throughout history.

  • Develop international relations as an independent concept and political science.

  • Theories and factors affecting international relations.

  • The International Politics.

    • International organizations.

    • The emergence of soft power politics in international relations.

    • Factors affecting international relations.

    • The concept of power and soft power.

    • Comparing soft power with hard power.

    • Sources of soft power.

    • The means and tools adopted by soft power in achieving political goals.

    • Implications for employing soft power.

    • International diplomacy.

    • The rules of international law.

    • International treaties and conventions.

    • Improve international diplomatic performance.

    • Develop soft power initiatives internationally and in country to improve nation brand.

    • Manage relations with NGOs, special interest groups, and other agencies impacting

      diplomatic business.

    • International organizations and their role in interstate relations.

    • The importance of keeping countries in a state of power on an ongoing basis.

    • Basic and subsidiary entities in International Relations.

    • How soft power can help meet international challenges.

    • Examining successful examples of soft power strategies used by different countries.

    • Analyzing the impact of soft power in international relations.

    • Soft power in shaping global norms and institutions.

    • The role of international organizations in promoting soft power.

    • Soft power strategies in diplomatic negotiations and peacebuilding.

    • Building trust and fostering cooperation through soft power.

    • Economic diplomacy and trade relations.

    • Attracting foreign investment through soft power strategies.

    • The role of digital platforms and social media in soft power strategies.

    • Countering disinformation and propaganda.

    • Ethical considerations in the use of soft power.

    • Challenges and limitations in implementing soft power strategies.

    • Emerging trends and innovations in soft power strategies.

    • The impact of technological advancements on soft power.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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