
Successful TV Photography Specialist Course


A television cameraman, often referred to as a camera operator, uses a moving image to film an event, make a television drama or documentary, or a news or sports program. This means that there are many places for television shooting, ranging from working inside or outside the studio. Not only that, but the television photographer must also be familiar with the nature of work in the field of digital media, and computer technology; However, despite the many fields of work of a television photographer, they are united by one thing: mastering the visual language, or understanding the visual composition in order to express feelings and content. Hence, this course is designed, which aims to understand the foundations and principles of television photography, develop a visual sense, in addition to enhancing special skills and liberating creativity during photography.

Objectives and target group

Who should attend? 

  • Those wishing to enter the field of television photography.
  • New photographers wishing to develop their skills.
  • Journalists and reporters wishing to acquire television photography skills.

How attendees will benefit? 

After completion of the course, delegates will understand: 

  • Foundations and skills of television photography.
  • Knowing the photographer's work, role, qualifications, tools, responsibilities and skills.
  • Knowledge of the basic rules in the composition of the image.
  • Knowing the quality control standards and how to achieve them.
  • Knowing the urgent and recurring problems and how to confront them.
  • Training in the arts of photography for various types of television programmes, documentaries and propaganda films.
  • Lighting networks and their different types.
  • Types of cameras and lenses, their characteristics, and how and when to use them.
  • Television cameras and their different types, fixed, mobile and portable, and their holders.
  • Comprehension of language, visual composition and its dramatic and aesthetic concepts.

Course Content

  • Television Photography: Definition and Origin.
  • TV camera and its different types.
  • Choosing the right TV camera for each situation.
  • The television work environment and the location of the television photographer in it.
  • The TV photographer's job, skills, tools and attributes.
  • The relationship of the television photographer with the director and lighting designer.
  • A detailed description of the photographer's television tools, their characteristics and ways of using them.
  • Basic rules in the composition of the image.
  • Planning for TV video reports.
  • Filming interviews, press conferences and sports matches.
  • Quality standards and procedures for achieving them.
  • Recurring problems and how to overcome them.
  • Training on modern television photography techniques.
  • Training on the most effective editing programs.
  • Methods of cinematography and television photography.
  • Filming live presentations.
  • Appropriate methods and strategies for dealing with the camera.
  • TV camera tripod.
  • Manual and automatic focus.
  • Maintenance and cleaning of the camera and lens.
  • Editing and processing of images.
  • ISO settings in the camera.
  • Shutter speed.
  • Photography ethics and code of conduct.
  • Lenses and their types.
  • Use the appropriate lenses.
  • Image construction and shooting angles.
  • Snapshot sizes.
  • Camera movement.
  • How to configure the staff.
  • The difference between the film staff and the television staff.
  • Types of lighting.
  • Lighting sources.
  • Searchlights, their types and holders.
  • Choosing the places to put the lighting in the external and internal photography.
  • Photography using chroma.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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