
The Roles of Educational Administration in Educational Institutions


People are familiar with classifying educational institutions, between institutions at the height of success, and another on the brink of failure, and the rest that falls on the continuity of success - failure, and the performance of educational institutions is evaluated according to a standard that differs from one person to another, or from a group of people to another: there are those who adopt a standard Human resources, so the growing number of successful people, and the high qualifications of the active workers, are considered a sign of success There are those who adopt the criterion of material resources, so success in the availability of material resources, educational means, and school spaces is considered, and there are those who adopt the standard of discipline and a sense of responsibility, success in the presence of an authority that watches over the application of legislation and regulatory laws, and guarantees the prerogative of pamphlets and notes.
However, regardless of the criteria and the multiplicity of perceptions, success in educational administration remains the desired hope for all educational systems, given that the success of educational management is a success for the whole society. There is no high society without a successful school, nor a successful school without wise educational management.
From this standpoint, societies today have become more competitive with themselves and with others in building and developing educational institutions taking advantage of modern theories in management in general and educational management in particular, these theories that reduce the foundations and principles that define what the educational institution is, the nature of its work, how it is managed and its effectiveness is evaluated.

Objectives and target group

Target group:
  • Workers in educational institutions.
  • Administrators in the educational ministries
  • Administrators in schools and educational institutions
Program Goals:
Participants will be able to gain new abilities and learn about:
  • The concept of educational administration and management
  • The role of educational administration in the effectiveness of the educational institution
  • Reasons for the effectiveness of educational administration
  • Effectiveness criteria of the educational institution
  • The effectiveness of the educational institution linked to the educational management style
  • Organizations their concept and theories

Course Content

  • The concept of educational administration and management
  • The role of educational administration in the effectiveness of the educational institution
  • Reasons for the effectiveness of educational administration
  • Effectiveness criteria of the educational institution
  • The effectiveness of the educational institution linked to the educational management style
  • Organizations their concept and theories
  • Theory in educational administration
  • Types of administrative leaders
  • Successful driving specifications
  • Leadership selection criteria
  • The plan of upgrading educational administration
  • Aspects of educational renewal in the educational institution

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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