
Payroll Preparation, Analysis and Management


The British Academy for Training and Development offers a course on Payroll Preparation, Analysis and Management, as the cost of employees in terms of salaries and other benefits is among the largest costs in any company, along with the cost of goods sold (cost of sales), rent and depreciation. If you work in a company that produces goods and this cost is part of the cost of goods sold or part of operating costs, this has a double impact on you. Also, processing and reporting these costs correctly is the key to analysis and decision-making.

This course begins with an introduction to the human resources, accounting, finance and payroll departments. The preparation and calculation of salaries will be covered, including the necessary controls and things that must be checked in advance to ensure that the data is used correctly. This course also enhances knowledge of the appropriate controls and procedures for workflow to achieve better efficiency in the department.

Objectives and target group

Who Should Attend?

  • Managers and executives in the human resources department.
  • Accountants, assistant accountants, supervisors and managers responsible for salaries.
  • Human resources specialists and those interested in understanding and applying best practices related to managing the payroll department.
  • Graduates and those interested in this field.


Knowledge and Benefits:

After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following:

  • Identify modern systems for evaluating and examining payroll and wage policies and the problems facing internal auditing of payroll and wage systems.
  • A full understanding of the tasks of human resources, accounting and finance and how to contribute to their success.
  • Skills for addressing incentive and wage problems in organizations and innovating systems that are appropriate to economic conditions.
  • The ability to design periodic reports for managing and analyzing salaries.

Course Content

  • Wages and salaries
    • What is meant by wages and salaries and the difference between them
    • The importance of wages and salaries
    • Types of wages and salaries.
  • Characteristics of a sound wage system
    • Fairness
    • Clarity and transparency
    • Stability and consistency
    • Relation to the actual performance of the individual
  • Administrative policies necessary for preparing the wage system
    • The organization's policy on the level of wages compared to competitors
    • The organization's policy and decision on benefits and services provided
    • The organization's policy on discrimination or bias adopted
  • Factors affecting the determination of the level of wages
    • Prevailing laws and legislation
    • Cost of living
    • Lobby groups and collective bargaining (unions)
    • Labor market and economic situation
    • The organization's ability to pay wages
  • Important steps in designing the wage and salary system
    • Step one: Preparing for the design of the system
    • Step two: Choosing a method for evaluating jobs
    • Step three: Developing the features of the evaluation plan
    • Step four: Actual evaluation of jobs
    • Step five: Determining the number of grades
    • Step six: Pricing grades
    • Step seven: Managing the wage system
  • Strategies for building and activating incentive system mechanisms
    • The nature and importance of motivation
    • Types and plans for incentives
    • Factors necessary for developing incentive plans
    • Problems in applying the wage and incentive structure
    • The relationship between the wage structure and activating incentive systems
    • Factors affecting systems Incentives
  • Incentive systems and their compatibility with the objectives of financial and administrative reform
    • Sound and successful foundations and standards for modern incentive systems
    • Modern foundations for evaluating incentive systems
    • Basics of evaluating incentive systems with the objectives of administrative development
    • Factors necessary to achieve the objectives of financial reform through incentives

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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