It is well known that man works instinctively to defend himself and protect himself and his property, and he takes all the methods that support him to ward off harm from him and reduce the sources of danger, and he does everything in his power to provide the possible security for his religion, soul, money, mind and honor, and it is one of the five necessities that God commanded to protect. And their preservation is upon those in authority and the rulers, and the diversity and proliferation of risks has led a person to seek to rent the means that help him to avoid these risks, avoid them and mitigate their effects, especially since the tooth alone cannot resist these dangers that may exceed his own capabilities, and that means was insurance. Which, in a simplified way, is based on the idea of solidarity and solidarity of the group to redress or compensate for the harm suffered by one of the members of that group, through a group of sections paid by individuals that fear achieving danger.
Who Should Attend?
Knowledge and Benefits:
After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following:
Note / Price varies according to the selected city
Insurance Laws, Regulations, and Claims