

Seeking Truth is the first and main task of Journalism, while the first loyalty of Journalism should be for citizens. Professional journalist shall act as an independent observer of the process of influencing the public, and providing a wide space for public criticism. Professional journalist must also ensure that his work is interesting and interrelated, so that the news he works on is comprehensive and related to each other in a systematic and comprehensive manner. Therefore, the British Academy of Training and Development provides this course including the foregoing standards as the main pillars of the course.

Tendency to doubt was and still a major feature of Journalism, and the landmark that distinguishes Press and Medial. No press organization can survive for a long period of time if its nature is just cheering and providing support for governments or specific bodies, or if they are constantly expressing their conviction and satisfaction with the current conditions as they are, or if they failed to alarm the public of the social, political, and economic shortcomings and disadvantages. This is because the Media and Press in the broadest sense are to urge change, and therefore CHANGE remains the first law of Press.

Some Elements of storytelling

1. Objectivity

Which distinguishes storytelling from regular news or Press reports, the objective is not only to convey information for the reader, but to be attracted to investigate, educate and entertain the audience through such stories. 

2. Theme

It should be attractive and enjoyable for the audience, and most importantly to be real with no "fiction content" and to have a taste of human nature.

3. Title

Is the main entrance of the story which should be at the core of story, while containing the excitement that draws attention of recipients and illustarets an image of the subject.

Objectives and target group

  • Journalists and PR staff.
  • New employees in journalism industry.
  • Exceptive staff in the field of Press and Media.

Course Objectives:

After the completion of the program, trainees will be able to master all the necessary tools and methods in order to become professional journalists. This course not only on focuses on the operational levels and standards of ordinary journalists, but on the Arts of Professional Journalism.

Course Content

  • Comprehensive study of Mass Media.
  • Writing for Press and Media.
  • Editorial skills and activities.
  • Preparation of Press & Media Reports.
  • Storytelling skills for Press & Media.
  • Study of Advertising activities and campaigns.
  • Copyright Rules and Announcements.
  • Introduction to Public Relations.
  • Obtaining new ideas.
  • Understanding the Market and the Reader Needs.
  • Continuation of searching process.
  • Proper Conducting of interviews.
  • Modification and Improvement - delivery of the first draft of Press Story.
  • Presentation of Press Stories for technical analysis.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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