
Mini Professional Master in Strategic Management and Leadership


The tremendous progress in the science of strategy in recent years is due to the innovative ideas presented by managers to increase the competitiveness of their organizations from the point of view of customers, shareholders, employees, and society in general. It also refers to the efforts of researchers and experts who track and monitor the strategic moves of the leading organizations and then try to apply them in practice and organize them in a way that can be benefited from in the orientalization of the future and its challenges, setting and motivating events to meet these challenges and new global transformations, and even achieve the targeted qualitative shift for business enterprises, as the strategic leadership based on science Modern data is what contributes to the creation of leading administrators who are able to lead their work team and institutions towards achieving productivity and providing better services in the short and long term. It also contributes to the continuity of quality in providing service to the public with strength and competitive ability at all times.

Objectives and target group

Who should attend? 

  • Managers at the middle and upper management levels.
  • Heads and members of departments and candidates for those jobs working in sovereign bodies.
  • Officials and those concerned with the policies of government and private bodies and ministries.

How attendees will benefit? 

After completion of the course, delegates will be able to: 

  • Recognize the multiple styles of leadership, the leader, the work team, and the investment of individuals.
  • Understand, analyze, evaluate and apply contemporary theories and trends in the areas of individual and group leadership.
  • Recognize creative ways to solve problems related to the field of work.
  • Practicing leadership administrative work in accordance with modern leadership theories and different leadership styles.
  • Mechanisms and means of influencing leaders.
  • Dealing with individuals in an appropriate manner according to their social, cultural and political orientations.
  • Forming support teams and managing them efficiently.
  • Full understanding of the theories of psychology, in particular Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, which is a basis for understanding human relationships, motivating individuals, and managing individuals.

Course Content

  • Basics
    • Who are strategic managers?
    • Basic skills of a strategic manager.
    • The role undertaken by senior management in building strategic thought.
    • Strategic leader and senior management values.
    • Characteristics of strategic decisions.
    • Strategic challenges.
    • Designing the strategic performance of institutions.
  • Leadership strategies and characteristics of the modern leader
    • Different leadership styles.
    • How to choose an appropriate leadership style.
    • Characteristics of a situational leader.
    • Modern knowledge and skills required for situational leadership.
  • Strategic leader and competitive situation analysis
    • Porter's strategies.
    • Leadership strategy in cost reduction.
    • Diversity strategy and differentiation from others.
    • Focus strategy.
    • Comparison between alternative strategies.
    • Integrated model of strategic alternatives.
    • Criteria that must be taken into account for the success of a strategic leader in practice.
  • Situational leadership and its administrative requirements
    • Coordinate the prevailing values and convictions in society and their relationship to the effectiveness of situational leadership.
    • Work behaviors and guidance with the effectiveness of situational leadership.
    • Situational factors affecting leadership and its requirements.
    • The degree of maturity of subordinates and the leadership styles it requires.
  • Types of leadership models and their investment in work
    • Fiedler's model.
    • House and Evans model.
    • Fromm-Wiaton model.
    • Path Goal Theory
    • The managerial grid theory
    • Maslow's theory and its practical applications.
  • Laws of power among managers of power, money, and social relations:
    • The first law: throw ash in the eyes.
    • The second law, let others depend on you.
    • The third law: Do not steal the spotlight from your boss.
    • Law Four: Maintain your reputation.
    • Law Five: Attract attention at all costs.
    • The sixth law: address people’s interests, not their feelings.
  • Arts and skills in strategic leadership
    • Modern technologies in issuing instructions and orders.
    • Techniques for collaborating with other leaders.
    • Self-enhancement techniques and leadership skills development.
    • Arts of delegating authority and developing leadership and administrative skills.
    • The influence of situational factors on the leader’s reasons for making decisions.
    • The participation model in leadership.
    • Modern trends in motivation, reward and encouragement.
    • Techniques for analyzing problems and acting in crises according to urgent changes.
    • The effect of work conditions on effective leadership style.
    • Strategic leadership in changing the reality of work.
  • Work team
    • Strategies and norms for building an effective, high-performance work team.
    • Business technology and dependency relationships.
    • Team self-leadership.
    • Stages of social normalization.
    • Evaluating and developing the team’s performance.
  • Developing strategic practices
    • The nature of strategic decisions.
    • Globalization and strategic success.
    • Applying Six Sigma concepts to the strategic leader.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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