
Administrative Leadership - Productivity Through Influence


It is the leaders of the Authority who are most capable of leading change, creating organizational coherence and developing their business. This course, offered by the British Academy for Training and Development, is designed to provide participants with practical tools to enhance their leadership abilities and the ability to influence people to achieve results in difficult times.

Administrative development is a systematic process aimed at ensuring that organizations have competent managers who need them to meet Current and future needs, and it is important to improve the performance of existing managers and to provide them with adequate opportunities to Growth and development, and to ensure the availability of administrative succession within the organization as much as possible, administrative development within the acquisition of managers Many of the experiences they will receive through their daily work, and also help to clarify the For managers and dependents, and thus can receive the guidance and guidance they need to develop their knowledge and skills.

Our present era is witnessing many and rapid changes in all aspects of complex and multi-pronged life at various scientific, human and practical levels, And that man is the basis in the processes of change and development and this development and change is successful only if a man has a management that organizes his life and his relationship to others and employ his potential for the benefit of everyone, Management is the important means for organizing the human effort of individuals and groups. It is the art of using the potentials and data to achieve the desired goals. The administration is a humanitarian and active process that aims to achieve specific goals and means a set of relationships, contacts and interactions between groups and professions with mutual goals and aspirations. Administrative relationships with people must be vital to the success of any institution in achieving its objectives.

Objectives and target group

The British Academy for Training and Development offers this course to the following categories:

  • Managers and owners of government and private companies.
  • Directors of VIP Offices in Public Administration.
  • Managers of the offices of the heads of the administrative departments in the first row of the administration.
  • Managers of branch offices for management within companies.
  • All administrative secretaries.
  • All those involved in the management of VIP business.

After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following topics:

  • Understanding the different styles of leadership, leadership, staff and investment of individuals.
  • Understanding, analyzing, evaluating and applying contemporary theories and trends in the fields of managing and leading individuals and groups.
  • Identifying innovative ways of solving problems related to the field of work. Conducting leadership work according to modern leadership theories and different leadership styles.
  • Strategic management and planning.
  • To deal with individuals in a manner appropriate to their social, cultural and political orientation.
  • Concepts of strategic planning, Time Management, Organization of meetings.
  • Skills of dealing and acting within the administrative and executive secretarial offices.
  • Methods of applying modern ideas in organizing work and saving time.
  • Modern European approaches in managing time and shortening procedures within the administrative transactions in companies.
  • Familiarity with all modern technological means capable of accelerating the completion of business.

Course Content

  • Definition of Management Development & its Importance
  • Issues related to the Administrative Development of the organizations.
  • Different areas of Administrative Development within organizations.
  • Topics of organizational structure development.
  • Basic concepts related to the organizational structure
  • Different types of work procedures and models.
  • Problems faced by organizations.
  • Foundations of audit and evaluation applications.
  • Skills of dealing with work pressures.
  • Skills of innovation and creativity through the implementation of quick ideas to deal with sudden changes in the nature of work.
  • Skills to achieve excellence in management and organization of efforts and administrative cadres.
  • How to set time management programs for public administration officials.
  • Business management skills and scheduling of meetings and programs to be discussed in proportion to the time available within the program manager.
  • Planning, follow-up and supervision of the progress of the work according to the plan prepared by the planning committees.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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