
Etiquette, Protocol, and Communication with VIPs


Protocol is considered one of the newest terms in terms of language, but it is very old in terms of history, as the word protocol is a development of the word agreements and understanding, and this is in the world of politics and at the international level, but within the field of business administration, drafting protocols has become one of the very important and necessary skills for people who want to They bear administrative duties.
Developing and enhancing the skills and capabilities of employees working in the field of public relations is considered very important, because it forms part of the procedures applied globally, including contemporary applications of rules and regulations adopted by international organizations, under the regulations of the Global Protocol for Communication between States, Institutions and Organizations at the international level.
Through this course, we will introduce rules and practices of pleasant behavior, best practices for communicating with others, and good reception, as all of these related matters represent a large part of our personality.

Objectives and target group

Who should attend?

  • Managers and owners of commercial, tourism and industrial companies and establishments.
  • Directors of department heads’ offices.
  • Secretarial officials in companies and institutions.
  • All employees in the business administration and secretarial departments.
  • Students and academics searching for modern approaches to drafting protocols.
  • Businessmen, shareholders and business owners.
  • Diplomatic employees.
  • Administrative staff in the public relations sector.
  • Protocol officers responsible for managing and organizing conferences.
  • Employees assigned to deal and interact with important figures.
  • Employees working in the public relations sector.
  • Officials in the diplomatic sector.

Knowledge and Benefits:

After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following:

  • Rules that must be followed when drafting official protocols.
  • Types of protocols and how to coordinate each of them.
  • The role of business managers and secretarial staff in writing official protocols.
  • Concepts that determine priorities among individuals.
  • The art of honor and body language etiquette in official forums.
  • Understand the universal principles of protocol, etiquette and professional code of conduct.
  • Create a good impression and avoid misconduct or embarrassing behavior in important situations.
  • Preparing and hosting VIP visits and official events.
  • Interact respectfully with people from different cultures, countries and regions.

Course Content

  • The meaning and importance of protocols.
  • The rules that must be followed when drafting official protocols.
  • Types of protocols and how to coordinate each of them.
  • How to formulate and write protocol decrees within the company.
  • How to write official reports and submit them to higher authorities within the company.
  • Modern methods and modern formulas for writing official protocols.
  • Coordination of content and content within the protocol.
  • How to divide a protocol paper or paper and how to formulate its introduction, presentation, and conclusion.
  • Determine priorities between characters.
  • Principles of protocol and etiquette.
  • Appropriate professional and personal behavior.
  • Preparing and hosting VIP visits and official events.
  • International and local differences between cultures and people’s perceptions.
  • Definition and concepts of etiquette and protocol in international relations.
  • Types and forms of international protocol.
  • Appropriate professional and personal behavior.
  • Preparing and hosting VIP visits and official events.
  • The art of honor and body language etiquette in official forums.
  • Universal principles of protocol, etiquette and professional code of conduct.
  • Direct and manage interpersonal dynamics in important meetings.
  • How to create a good impression and avoid misconduct or embarrassing practices in important situations.
  • The different divisions into the types of ceremonies and celebrations and their organizations.
  • The foundations of proper planning for the management of celebrations and ceremonies.
  • Organizing work groups and distributing roles and tasks.
  • Restructuring the organizational structure of the department.
  • Planning media campaigns, publications and invitation cards.
  • Arranging receptions and ceremonies.
  • Spatial organization of the ceremonial grounds.
  • Entrances and exits symbols and signs.
  • Final evaluation of the achievements and achievement of the celebration goals.
  • The concept of internal and international public relations.
  • The ceremonies, their history, and their internal and international nature.
  • The role of public relations in the development of modern institutions.
  • Personal styles and how to deal with each style.
  • The art of effective and successful negotiation.
  • Problems facing public relations management.
  • Characteristics and qualities of public relations employees.
  • The arts of dealing with people.
  • Methods of receiving and bidding farewell to dignitaries.
  • The art of accompanying and conversing with guests.
  • Arranging appointments and general interviews.
  • The art of meeting management and the art of etiquette.
  • Organizing conferences and seminars from announcement to registration to implementation to conclusion.
  • Practical applications and case studies.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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