Protocol is considered one of the newest terms in terms of language, but it is very old in terms of history, as the word protocol is a development of the word agreements and understanding, and this is in the world of politics and at the international level, but within the field of business administration, drafting protocols has become one of the very important and necessary skills for people who want to They bear administrative duties.
Developing and enhancing the skills and capabilities of employees working in the field of public relations is considered very important, because it forms part of the procedures applied globally, including contemporary applications of rules and regulations adopted by international organizations, under the regulations of the Global Protocol for Communication between States, Institutions and Organizations at the international level.
Through this course, we will introduce rules and practices of pleasant behavior, best practices for communicating with others, and good reception, as all of these related matters represent a large part of our personality.
Who should attend?
Knowledge and Benefits:
After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following:
Note / Price varies according to the selected city