
Course of security men's dealing with security problems and negotiations


Crisis Management: A course-cycle session that concerns crisis management is a highly beneficial for the public, so how much the specialists and security workers will obtain this benefit!. That's because it concerns with proper preparation for the crisis and problems, and an attempt to avoid their occurrence or handling them in the case of occurrence. 
In addition, one of the most important missions provided by the this course for the participants is guiding security men to the means of solving the vocational problems, expecting their occurrence, reaching solutions for them, planning and managing them.

Objectives and target group

Course Objective:
. Acquiring the security systems.
. Identifying the groundwork for security crisis response.
. Defining the security crisis and its relationship to the other concepts.
. Crisis proportions and its development stages.
 . Crisis classification.
. Crisis management methods.
. Means of dealing with the crisis and reaching solutions.
. Techniques for security problems management.
. Ways of making security decisions.
. Production of a comprehensive manual and adopting it where necessary.

Course Content

For whom this course is offered?  
 This course is provided for every security specialist or worker. Moreover, it is provided for those who are interested in learning and acquiring information concerning the security field that will further strength their security sense.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3900 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3120 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2418 / Member

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