
Legal Skills for Non Legal Professionals


The British Academy for Training and Development present this training course in (Legal Skills for Non-Legal Professionals), for those who wish to acquire further skills in the management of legal affairs and to know better the secrets and various aspects of this sector.

Law is a social science focuses primarily on human conditions, situations, rights, behavior, actions and reactions, the subject of this sector contains a huge variety of contents. Manager or Legal Officer is the independent corporate auditor, being the person who provides legal advice to the management, who is also the link between management and staff, and should be keen to apply the rules and procedure of companies, and the regulation of sanctions. Not every legal advice required by persons for a particular case is actually a legal consultation. Rather, specific legal situations require recourse to specialized legal advisors in order to express their opinion in impartial manners free from personal emotions. Legal advice shall be fully Impartial, since counselors shall present their opinion without any tendencies to any of the parties of the conflict. Rather, the case must be studied from all perspectives in order to give the right judgment.

Law is also considered a sort of Art, but it is a difficult and complex art. Therefore, the definitions of Law are flexible and include a wide variety of views, perspectives, and exceptions, unlike experimental sciences such as chemistry and physics, since law is a set of rules of conduct that allows and defines relations and rights between people, organizations and reciprocal relations between individuals and the government, in addition to sanctions for those who do not abide by the established rules of law.

Objectives and target group

Who Should Attend?

  • Managers and Directors of Companies and Enterprises.
  • Personnel in charge of Law Departments in business and commercial firms.
  • Directors of Legal Departments and Legal Affairs in various companies and enterprises.
  • Managers of companies and enterprises.
  • Businessmen wishing to develop their legal skills.
  • Employees in the field of legal Management.
  • Students and graduates of faculties of law at various universities.


Knowledge and Benefits:

After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following:

  • Providing trainees with the basic legal priciples and information.
  • Developing trainees' skills and abilities to properly deal with legal functions.
  • Full knowledge of all legal branches in practical and scientific terms.
  • The ability to practice discipline procedures in public positions.
  • Full knowledge of discipline procedures available and enforceable against public officers.
  • Acquiring advanced skills in dealing with the judicial authorities and knowing their authorities.
  • Full knowledge of all legal branches in practical and scientific terms.
  • Acquire advanced experience in Legal Formulation of Contracts and Administrative Resolutions.

Course Content

  • Basic legal concepts
    • Civil and criminal liability
    • Human rights
    • Compensation
    • Dealing with government authorities
  • Contractual law
    • Understanding contracts and their terms
    • Contract obligations
    • How to avoid disagreements and disputes in contracts
  • Criminal Law
    • An overview of common crimes and their legal consequences
    • How to avoid falling into crime
  • Commercial Law
    • Laws governing companies and businesses
    • How to comply with it in the work environment
  • Human rights and international humanitarian law
    • Basic human rights and how to protect them
    • International laws governing the conduct of war and conflicts
  • Negotiation skills and amicable settlement of disputes before resorting to the courts.
  • Persuasion and negotiation skills.
  • Methods of preparing studies and legal consultations.
  • Legal drafting skills and competencies.
  • Principles of legal interpretation.
  • Applications and examples in writing legal memos.
  • Legal drafting skills and methods for legal purposes.
  • Stages and mechanisms for preparing legal consultations.
  • Skills in preparing and concluding a contract.
  • Drafting documents, statements and legal memorandums of various types.
  • The impact of language on the meanings of contractual articles and legal terms.

Course Date







Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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