

When working in any of the media fields within the specialty of writing and authorship, the media materials that you have researched and collected information about, as well as the most recent arrangement about, will not be ready for display or publication until after it has gone through lengthy stages of textual and dramatic processing, where the media material is reformulated. In an academic manner and within specific criteria and criteria, this material is then processed and the scenes within it and the characters that may be included are arranged. All those stages that precede the work of the media material within a scenario and the special stages in how to formulate the scenario will be presented within the course work and in accordance with the latest international curricula.

Objectives and target group

  • Directors and owners of drama production companies.
  • Directors of the television and radio production department.
  • Writers and authors of dramatic works.
  • All workers in the television drama field.
  • Directors, producers and writers within television stations.
  • All novice writers who want to learn screenwriting standards.


How will trainees benefit from the Script Writing Course?

After completing the program, trainees will be able to master the following topics:

  • The stages of work that precede writing the scenario.
  • How to give characters roles and draw the features of the story or dramatic film in a coherent way.
  • Steps for writing a screenplay.
  • How to choose the material to be written for the scenario and the sources from which the dramatic material is taken.
  • Develop a detailed plan for each scene and how to formulate its events within the scenario in a dramatic manner.
  • How to formulate and write dialogue scenes within the scenario.

Course Content

  • Introduction to the art of drama and creative photography
    • Understand the basics of drama: script, performance, and direction.
    • Analysis of the types of dramatic stories: comedy, drama, and tragedy.
    • Important information about the scenario and dialogue.
    • The rules and conditions necessary to be followed in the art of drama and script writing.
    • Different drama schools and the differences between them in terms of the dramatic style followed.
    • Creative photography techniques: exploring ideas, developing characters, and building virtual worlds.
  • Build the scenario and story structure
    • Principles of writing dramatic texts.
    • Steps for writing the script.
    • Analyze the structure of the story: introduction, conflict, climax, and ending.
    • Develop the main idea and subplot.
    • Character building: development and growth throughout the story.
    • Skills in drafting a dramatic summary and arranging dramatic events and characters within the story and scenario.
  • Narration and dialogue techniques
    • Write an attractive description and narrative.
    • Develop personal dialogue skills.
    • Use tension and suspense to attract the audience’s attention.
    • The order of sequence within dramatic summaries, how events are sequenced, and the order in which they are presented.
  • Scenario writing and evaluation process
    • How to choose the appropriate topic.
    • Mechanisms for determining the purpose of writing.
    • The art of searching for information related to the topic.
    • Apply the acquired concepts in writing a short scenario.
    • Writing a screenplay according to the standard rules and standards for script writing.
    • Processing the scenario and dramatic text.
    • Modern methods and techniques in script writing.
    • Scenario evaluation: critical analysis and re-editing.
    • Presenting scenarios and discussing them with guidance and feedback.
  • Pointing out the phonetics of dialogue, music, sound effects and comments.
  • The final output of the script.
  • Practical exercises and identifying and analyzing ideal models.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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