
Current trends course in internal auditing and management control


Internal audit is the audit of all the company’s work and all components and elements within the company from the heads of departments and managers of offices and all employees within the system of a huge  administrative work in the company, as the departments of internal audit and ,management oversight are generally responsible for the success of the administrative work or failure of the company, in the exercise of their role in the work of a comprehensive monitoring of administrative performance and provide effective proposals in the promotion of administrative work and then follow the results of each change is adopted at the level of management as well as work on the control of financial work and accounts on the company and the real and assumed final budget.

Objectives and target group

The British Academy for Training and Development offers a course on contemporary trends in internal auditing and management oversight to those who wish to develop special skills in the fields of administrative control and internal auditing, and administrative and financial sections, which can be controlled through administrative oversight and auditing offices.

Target group of attending the course of contemporary trends in internal auditing and administrative control:

  • Directors and owners of commercial and industrial companies.
  • Managers and owners of governmental and private management institutions.
  • Directors of internal audit offices in companies.
  • Financial audit and auditing officers in government and private companies.
  • All employees in the field of financial and administrative auditing in companies.
  • Students seeking to develop their abilities in the field of administrative control.

How will participants benefit from attending the current trends in internal audit and oversight course?

At the end of the course, the participants will know:

  • Modern approach in the field of administrative control in the world of large companies.
  • The latest internal audit curriculum.
  • Tasks in the field of administrative control and internal audit.
  • The role of the administrative control offices in evaluating the administrative work within the company.
  • Financial and audit tasks and the role of internal audit offices in controlling company accounts.

Course Content

Academic content of the course:

  • Proper management planning skills within companies.
  • Skills to identify problems and administrative difficulties faced by the company.
  • Modern internal audit skills in companies.
  • International and global standards for the standardization of internal audit approaches.
  • American and British internal audit approaches.
  • The role of administrative control and how to exercise its duties on all sections of the administrative company.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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£3800 £3800
