
Press Reports and Promotional Campaigns


The British Academy for Training and Development provides this course to teach trainees how to write a Successful and Effective Press or Promotional Release. Media Statement is considered as the most powerful marketing tool available in the business. In this course you will learn how to create effective conversations about your product in a properly arranged press release with an added value and a compelling vision. The course provides examples of some good and bad press releases, suitable timing to write a press release, and some good related advices.

All employees in all locations need to develop communication skills. Reports are a written communication skill. Writing reports is urgent in our time. Whether you are a student, an employee, a politician, a journalist or otherwise, you need to write a report to your subordinate or someone in your department. The report requires an understanding of the basics and rules of writing the report.

Newspapers in all over the world employ the art of portraiture to present the autobiography of prominent and influential people in societies, in order to target readers' human interests, by highlighting the educational certificates obtained by the person, his family, career, and his duties and responsibilities.

When writing a portrait of a particular famous figure, the journalist must review a variety of documents written about him, such as articles and newspaper interviews, as well as making direct contacts with live sources of the relevant public figure, such as a family member or a friend.

Objectives and target group

The British Academy for Training and Development offers this course to the following categories:

  • Journalists, Politicians and individuals who want to learn the basics of Press and Media.
  • Journalists and Press Reporters.
  • New staff in the press industry.

Course Objectives:

After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following topics:

  • Understanding how to news production and application thereof.
  • Creativity in News Development.
  • Structuring of an effective Press Release.
  • Solid understanding of formation of title that draws attention.
  • Mastering a variety of mechanisms to simplify usage of linguistic tools.
  • Understand the 4 Basic Audit Stages.
  • Developing a Promotional Plan.
  • Learn some new tools of Digital Media.

Course Content

  • Plan - Learning News Production Strategies, Refinement of Goals, Understanding the audience, and developing news perspectives.
  • Research – Proper usage of Key Words, How to Uncover Interesting Facts, Using Reliable Sources, Getting Statements from public figures.
  • Writing - Using the strategies of Traditional Press Release, correct usage of keywords, choosing attractive titles; linking ideas in reasonable and clear manner.
  • Review - Verify that the language of the report is smooth, simple, articulate and attractive.
  • Promotion - Maintaining the current database, developing solid Media Relationships, making a promotional campaign before the statement, taking advantage of social media, enhancing relationships with strategic partners.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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