Corporate Governance & Anti Corruption Courses - British Academy for Training

Training course in modern trends in internal auditing


The kinds of controls training course


Training Course in Internal Audit Basics


Implementation tasks of internal audit training course


Means of reducing the troubles facing implement transparency...


Current trends course in internal auditing and management co...


Course of recent trends in Auditing and Examination


Accounting Auditing and Internal Audit


Contemporary secretarial course and office management


Risk based audit course


Course of modern strategies in internal control systems and...


Financial and Administrative audit Course to ensure the inte...


Course of skills of fraud and forgery detection in financial...


A course of skills of preparation and audit of State final a...


Course of Final Accounts Audit and Auditing


Course of audit committees in the company and their importan...


Corporate Governance & Anti Corruption Courses

We offer courses in Global business and regulatory risks of bribery and other forms of corruption. Our courses will teach you anti-corruption legislation is being revised and strengthened, new legislation is being promulgated and even laws enacted in other countries can have a direct impact on your organisation. Citizens around the globe are demanding that their political leaders be held to a higher standard of ethical conduct.