
Human Resources Management and Planning


As the human element is the key to the success of any institution, and is the basis for increasing the volume of production, and the need for the labor market is increasing in the specialization of the business so the Department of Human Resources and Personnel Management is interested in providing specific policies for the employee to train and qualify to be able to achieve the strategic objectives of the work and Raise production The human resources planning process is very important because it predicts the needs of the institution for human resources and know the supply and demand of labor to meet the needs of the institution. This course is concerned with reporting on human resources, personnel policy strategies, standard frameworks for legal documentation, as well as providing a comprehensive set of skills and competencies related to human resources, which are essential for senior human resource managers.

Objectives and target group

This course will introduce human resources concept, how to choose human skills, and how to invest them efficiently and effectively. The course will introduce human resources planning, human resources planning and strategies, and skills development in planning and implementation.

This course is provided for the following categories:

Officials and managers of human resources departments, executives and all recruitment officers in the organization, as well as human resources training officers in companies.

After completion of the Course program, trainees will be able to master the following:

  • Knowledge of the concept of human resources management.
  • Know the skills required in human resource managers.
  • The relationship of human resources to the rest of the company's departments and the organization of the relationship between the human resources department and management.
  • The importance of human resources development and attention as an effective raw material to improve the institution and achieve quality.
  • Investing human resources effectively.
  • Ability to measure the efficiency of the employee and know the rate of absence and productivity, and study CVs and provide a distinct workforce and the ability to reduce expenses in the wages of workers.

Course Content

Course content:

  • Understand the concept of human resources responsibilities
  • Ability to choose the right person for the right place.
  • Advance planning of human resources and development of an integrated plan for individuals.
  • Provide resource managers with human resources and the ability to make decisions about employees and solve their problems.
  • Identify the methods of selection of employees according to competence and CV submitted.
  • Know how to calculate the salary commensurate with the efficiency of the employee and his work effort.
  • Division of staff requirements from previous experience and certificates.
  • Identify and develop tests to pass the job and identify interview questions.
  • Determine the employee's competency assessment points in the personal interview in terms of style, appearance and language
  • To ensure justice in the selection and appointment of applicants for the job.
  • Determination of wages and salaries
  • Identify incentives, monthly bonuses and annual bonuses
  • Draw a training plan for new employees
  • Determine the need for training courses for human resources development.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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