
Development of Media Message for the Public Audience


The British Academy for Training and Development present this course (Development of Media Message for the Public Audience) for all professionals wishing to acquire advanced skills in the Management of International Media, and for those who are most eager to gain further skills about Communication Technology and appropriate methods thereof in the Media Sector.

The world currently suffers from conflicts, political changes and military disputes, and economic changes. Media plays a great function in modern societies, since the messages it delivers to the public is very effective upon public opinion. Therefore, Media shall focus on various kinds of social issues in order to attract necessary attention of concerned parties, to find suitable solutions. Public opinion researches and studies recently occupy a prominent position in all countries all over the world in different political regimes, doctrines and ideologies, both on theoretical and applied levels.

Objectives and target group

The British Academy for Training and Development presents this course for the following audience:

  • Directors and owners of TV stations.
  • Directors of Editorial Departments of TV Stations.
  • Businessmen wishing to develop their skills in managing TV stations.
  • Students and graduates of Media Colleges in various Universities.
  • Senior Managers TV Reporting Sections.
  • TV Broadcasters and Newscasters of all topics (Economic/ Political/ Entertainment).
  • Editorial staff and professionals in charge of processing newsletters.
  • New staff wishing to launch their career in the Media Industry.
  • Staff in the Editorial Management.
  • Students of Media Departments.
  • All staff dispatched to Field Works of TV Reporting.

Course Objectives:

After completing the program, trainees will be able to master the following topics:

  • Descripting the great advantages of the Media and its relation to the area of Public Relations.
  • Explaining contradictory theories in communication and persuasion with 4 models of Public Relations and ethical implementation of Public Relations programs.
  • Identifying news topics and writing media material to be provided for reporters.
  • Planning and implementing publicity activities in support of the mission and objectives of the organization.
  • Developing policies for media interviews and spokespersons.
  • Monitoring and evaluating media coverage.
  • Applying techniques to maintain trends and developments in social media and communication technology.
  • Developing innovative public relations strategies using social media and social networking sites.
  • Creating better content for search engines, and create content for topics that are likely to drive wide search traffic.
  • Monitoring social media sites, social networks, and connecting with communities through effective response on their comments and feedback.

Course Content

  • Introduction to the Media and the evolution of its concept.
  • Media and formation of public mental perspectives.
  • News values ​​in the Media Industry.
  • Special skills of successful TV Reporter.
  • Solid and practical training programs on proper behavior in fields and complicated situations.
  • Communication theory, public relations models, the nature of persuasion, ethics of media relations.
  • News gathering, news views, news writing, and storytelling.
  • Press releases, fact sheets, background information, production of media kits and visual materials.
  • Promotional techniques for media and correspondence.
  • The roles of official speakers and media interviews.
  • Monitoring, analyzing, evaluating and advertising in the media and conversations via social media.
  • Social media and their application in the practice of public relations.
  • Rules of engagement between public relations and communities created by social media.
  • Blogging, Twitter, and social media releases.
  • Social Networking as a Public Relations Tool: Facebook, LinkedIn.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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