
Sales Skills of Tourism Services and Products


The British Academy for Training and Development present this training course in (Sales Skills of Tourism Services and Products) to all professionals wishing to develop their skills and abilities in marketing, advertising and the competence to convince clients to purchase tourism services and products. Marketing and Advertising are very important and influencing fields in all economics all over the world. Tourism Marketing and promotion have a direct role to play in developing tourism to achieve the highest possible level of success, excellence and prosperity in Tourism Global Business. Tourism is considered one of the most significant future branches of business all over the world, due to the increased interest in improving Tourism Facilities and Infrastructure, while it's one of the several activities that require constant attention, planning and coordination, in order for the Tourism Sector to achieve good results.

This course is provided for all professionals wishing to closely know best practices and Management Styles and Methods of Tourism Industry. Tourism Management in its comprehensive sense is a set of tools and mechanisms for tourism organization and optimization, which aims at developing productivity of tourism establishments. Therefore, it involves many functions and various departments in each tourism establishment. Methods and styles of Hotel Management include practices of Good Planning and Integrated Organization, taking into consideration the operational priorities and controls.

Objectives and target group

The British Academy for Training and Development presents this course for the following audience:

  • Managers and owners of Tourism Establishments, wishing to develop the Tourism Sector in their countries through Promotion, Marketing, and Advertising activities.
  • All personnel in the Media and Promotional Sections.
  • Personnel in charge of promotional and marketing campaigns in Tourism Faculties.
  • Development Managers of Tourism Departments and those in charge of Tourism Action Plans.
  • Reception staff at hotels
  • All Employees in the Hospitality sector.
  • Investors, businessmen, and shareholders of Tourism Projects.
  • Managers of Hotels and Resorts.
  • Owners of Tourism and Travel Firms, and Tour Operators.
  • Owners of Tourism Agencies, Restaurants, and Hotels.

How will participants benefit from the course?

After completing the program, participants will be able to learn:

  • Advanced ability to deal with high level E-Marketing and promotional programs specialized in the Advertising Industry.
  • High ability to promote services and products in the Tourism Industry.
  • Proper planning and organizing of tourism projects.
  • Excellent handling of data, information, statistics, maps and tourist plans.
  • Introducing modern methods of Tourism Marketing.
  • Finding new potential opportunities in Tourism Markets.
  • Identifying major tourism attractions and local cultural heritage.
  • Balancing between the Clients and Tourism Objectives.
  • Achieving balance between main administrative functions, in order to enhance and develop Hotel sales.

Course Content

  • Promotional Advertising: Definition, Concepts, and its Significant Role in the Tourism Sector.
  • Sales of Tourism Services and Products, and best methods to generate optimum profits.
  • Concepts and definition of general principles of marketing.
  • Tourism Marketing and its direct linkage to the development of tourism.
  • Major fundamentals and elements of marketing.
  • Technological development and its impacts on Tourism Development.
  • Media and its role in the tourism industry.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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